Wes Lang

We met Wes Lang in Los Angeles in the summer of 2003. He was making drawings that struck several notes in harmony with the early aughts, namely a fascination with American cultural tropes we could love and hate at the same time, with or without irony. Alternately air-brush tight and contentedly loose and abrupt, Lang’s early work had an earnest, probing ambition, littered with text and antic masculinity, urgently scratched on foxed old ledger pages. From 2004-2010, the gallery presented four solo exhibitions. Since that time, Lang has gone on to make his institutional debut in 2014 at the ARoS Aarhus Museum of Art, and his work belongs in the collections of the National Gallery of Denmark, the DESTE Foundation for Contemporary Art, and the Museum of Modern Art.

"Wes Lang paintings carry familiar resonances from art history and popular culture while at the same time expressing utterly original, personal symbolism and emotional gestures. His attraction to images of the American West speak to the power of even the most problematic folklore in our culture, at the same time spark the wonder and mystery of limitless imagination." (LA Weekly)